Dance Events
Dance Duo/Trio
A dance duo/trio is composed of 2-3 participants with an emphasis on interpretation and relationship. Time limit is 3-5 minutes with a 15 second allowance. Time begins after the music starts. Any dance under time or over time will result in a 5 point deduction.
Dance Ensemble
A dance ensemble will consist of no less than 4 participants with an emphasis on interpretation and ensemble work. Time range for the piece is 3-5 minutes with a 15 second allowance. Timing begins after the music starts. Any dance under time or over time will result in a 5 point deduction.
Dance Introduction
Before the dance begins, a participating student will introduce themselves by stating their event code (for example, BG-41), the title, and a brief description of their piece.
Dance Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Dances will be evaluated based on:
- Craftsmanship (Space, Dynamics, Rhythm, and Timing)
- Interpretation (Music, Sound, and Silence)
- Performance (Knowledge of Movement and Projection)
- Text (Creativity, Originality, Development of Movement, and Clarity)
- Ensemble or Duo/Trio Interaction
The current Dance Rubric can be FOUND HERE
Please see our sample dance ballot.
It is required that each dance includes a brief paragraph describing the concept. This is to be provided during registration and recited during the verbal introduction by a by a participating student. The verbal introduction should include the title of the dance, justification of sound accompaniment, as well as a brief description of the concept in relation to the Shakespearean inspiration.
Any recorded music used as accompaniment must be able to play through a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack, a lightning port, or usb-c. It is the responsibility of the school representative to provide any necessary adapter(s).
The use of glitter, confetti, and/or liquids (blood, paint, beverages, etc.), will result in immediate disqualification.
Dance Awards & Auditions
First, second, and third place will be awarded in each dance event in all 6 divisions.
Auditions & Scholarships
High school seniors will have the opportunity to audition for several Utah University/College dance programs, this includes the potential for scholarships in said programs. Check back here for the audition sign-up, a complete list of University/College Dance Programs, and other pertinent information. See the dance competition website for more info.