Dance Competition

Dance Competition

The dance competition is limited to choreography inspired by text or content of William Shakespeare’s plays or poems. All genres of dance are welcome.

Dance Events

Dance Duo/Trio

A dance duo/trio is composed of 2-3 participants with an emphasis on interpretation and relationship. Time limit is 3-5 minutes with a 15 second allowance. Time begins after the music starts. Any dance under time or over time will result in a 5 point deduction.

Dance Ensemble

A dance ensemble will consist of no less than 4 participants with an emphasis on interpretation and ensemble work. Time range for the piece is 3-5 minutes with a 15 second allowance. Timing begins after the music starts. Any dance under time or over time will result in a 5 point deduction.

Dance Introduction

Before the dance begins, a participating student will introduce themselves by stating their event code (for example, BG-41), the title, and a brief description of their piece.

Dance Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria

Dances will be evaluated based on:

  • Craftsmanship (Space, Dynamics, Rhythm, and Timing)
  • Interpretation (Music, Sound, and Silence)
  • Performance (Knowledge of Movement and Projection)
  • Text (Creativity, Originality, Development of Movement, and Clarity)
  • Ensemble or Duo/Trio Interaction

The current Dance Rubric can be FOUND HERE

Please see our sample dance ballot.


It is required that each dance includes a brief paragraph describing the concept. This is to be provided during registration and recited during the verbal introduction by a by a participating student. The verbal introduction should include the title of the dance, justification of sound accompaniment, as well as a brief description of the concept in relation to the Shakespearean inspiration.

Any recorded music used as accompaniment must be able to play through a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack, a lightning port, or usb-c. It is the responsibility of the school representative to provide any necessary adapter(s).

The use of glitter, confetti, and/or liquids (blood, paint, beverages, etc.), will result in immediate disqualification.

Dance Awards & Auditions


First, second, and third place will be awarded in each dance event in all 6 divisions.

Auditions & Scholarships

High school seniors will have the opportunity to audition for several Utah University/College dance programs, this includes the potential for scholarships in said programs. Check back here for the audition sign-up, a complete list of University/College Dance Programs, and other pertinent information. See the dance competition website for more info.

© Utah Shakespeare Festival 2025